The Juicy BitsThe Juicy Bits

Have you ever cursed a burrito that fell apart in your lap? The engineering students at Johns Hopkins University feel your pain. To prevent such mishaps, they developed edible tape that keeps burritos closed as you eat. My new jeans thank them. In another science first, NASA researchers have successfully grown mustard greens in lunar soil. At least now we know it's possible. Some less encouraging news for meat lovers: there's a pesky tick that causes an allergy to meat, and it has migrated from the southern US to the north and midwest. Wear pants outdoors. Apply bug spray. Or you might not enjoy your next bite of beef or pork. At least you'll find something to eat, unlike a lot of American infants these days. You've surely caught wind of the baby formula shortage, and it's not only due to a massive recall that occurred in February. The story of this food shortage goes much deeper. On the lighter side of food news, Washington DC is celebrating its newest Michelin star restaurants, just announced by the trusty French tire company. And this summer's hottest cookbooks have hit store shelves, featuring enticing tomes on BBQ, bourbon, and cool dessert cocktails. You'll find plenty of main-dish recipes to pair with a bottle of wine from California's West Sonoma Coast, our country's newest American Viticultural Area. Grab a pinot noir, a cookbook, or just a plate of great food, and enjoy the coming of summer.

-Dave Joachim




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